Photo by Simone Pellegrini on Unsplash

How to Live a Legendary Life

Austin Walker


This article is taken from a sermon I preached in October 2022. See end of article for video.


Who or what comes to your mind when you hear that word? Maybe you think of something imaginary or mythical. A fable. A story. Me? I think of someone famous or renowned or well-known.

And (surprise, surprise) I think of legendary athletes or sports heroes. When I think of sports legends, I think of people like:

o Shannon Miller, an olympic gymnast from my hometown.

o Teddy Lehman, my favorite linebacker growing up.

o Venus & Serena Williams, two of the best of their sport.

o Paul “Bear” Bryant, legendary college football coach.

Men and women who shaped their sport. Men and women whose names are household names across the country. These people weren’t legendary because they got lucky, or because they were perfect. Believe it or not, they weren’t legendary because they were born that way. Sure, they were born with some genetic giftings. Let’s be honest…I am never going to be the gymnast that Shannon Miller was…not even in my actual dreams. But, the thing that made their careers successful wasn’t purely just what happened on the field, or on the ice, or on the court.



Austin Walker

Executive Coach at Novus Global We help the best leaders on Earth clarify their vision, see how they're getting in their own way and get more done in less time.